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Freely you have Received, Freely Give

About the Spirit of Elijah Ministries, International

Elijah Ministries is a non-profit ministry, and contributions are tax-deductible as a 501(c)(3). The ministry is funded as the Lord provides through individual and church contributions, love offerings, and honoraria. It is desired that individuals support their local church first.

Elijah Ministries gives away many of its materials and your donation enables us to continue to pass along these resources, produce new resources, and continue ministering across the country and in other countries around the world.

About the Spirit of Elijah Ministries, International

Elijah Ministries is a non-profit ministry, and contributions are tax-deductible as a 501(c)(3). The ministry is funded as the Lord provides through individual and church contributions, love offerings, and honoraria. It is desired that individuals support their local church first.

Elijah Ministries gives away many of its materials and your donation enables us to continue to pass along these resources, produce new resources, and continue ministering across the country and in other countries around the world.

Donate to Elijah Ministries

Donating is easy and secure.

Message from the Board of Directors

Dear Fellow Kingdom Workers,

On behalf of Elijah Ministries we are excited to report that new opportunities opened up in 2016 that greatly expanded the international scope of The Spirit of Elijah Ministries. Norm has traveled to South Africa, South Korea, Australia, Brazil, and Columbia, South America. As you can well imagine because of the encouragement you have received from Norm’s speaking, personal ministry, and resources, his training and teaching are impacting lives in many amazing ways. As the Board of Directors we are privileged to hear many of the wonderful stories of how God is working.

That said, because of the added cost of travel, as well as the limited ability of these brothers in Christ to compensate the ministry, we must rely on the generous gifts of outside support for this ministry to continue in the future. We have already committed to a trip to Brazil in August and a trip to South Africa in November, trusting God for the resources to be provided. We are asking for your support to keep this great Kingdom work going forward. The Board of Directors are deeply committed to the work of the Holy Spirit being made available wherever He calls Norm to go, and we look forward to seeing what He might do through you and us as we partner together in accomplishing all that is on God’s heart for 2017 through this ministry. Please consider giving to the Lord this year and next through The Spirit of Elijah Ministries.

You may easily make a gift on the website at, send a gift via Square Cash to $elijahministries, or send a check to the ministry at P.O. Box 377, Bulverde, TX, 78163.

Working together in His vineyard.

The Board of Directors of Spirit of Elijah Ministries:
John Gross, President
Jim Grandholm, Vice-President
Micah Wakefield

Thank You from Norm & Alma Wakefield

Alma and I are very grateful for your expression of God’s love and faithfulness to Elijah Ministries as you have given, served, and prayed for us and the ministry. We consider your giving as an act of the Lord entrusting us with a serious responsibility to build up His body through teaching His Word and loving well those to whom He sends us.

Your partnership with us makes it possible for us to give in His name to groups, regardless of their financial condition. What a blessing!

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I thank you for your love and support. May the Lord continue to use us in His work all over the world as He wills.

Frequently Asked Questions about Donations

Thank you for supporting The Spirit of Elijah Ministries. Your giving enables me to serve and share what God has given to me. Without God’s provision through you, I could not continue to minister through Elijah Ministries. On behalf of the Board of Directors, the thousands whose lives have been more deeply anchored in Jesus Christ, and my family, I express our gratitude and joy that you would serve with us through Elijah Ministries.

What does my donation go to?

Unless otherwise directed, your donation goes into the general budget which provides for salaries, ministry operating expenses, the production of resources, and provision of ministry and resources to individuals and groups who cannot afford the resources.

Why do you need support when you sell materials?

The highest motivation for inviting friends to support The Spirit of Elijah Ministries, International is to give them an opportunity to share in the advancement of the gospel and give for Jesus’ sake, so others may receive the blessing they have received through the ministry. It is an honor and privilege for us to labor together for the sake of the gospel. Also, Elijah Ministries is a non-profit ministry, which means the majority of its financial support is from the public. Contributions help us provide resources in Spanish to ministries and individuals in Mexico and the US who cannot afford to purchase them, as well as support the production of new materials and resources. We often have the blessing of giving away resources to single moms and others who are suffering financial hardship. This is why we offer many of our online resources for free and sell our other resources for as little as possible. Even though our prices are comparatively low, we realize that some may not be able to afford desired resources. Therefore, we have a whatever-you-can-afford policy. Your support allows us to do this and bless countless others. Your support also allows Norm to do what he does. Travelling and speaking around 30 times a year, Norm is only able to do this because of many people’s generosity.

Who is on the Elijah Ministries Staff?

Executive Director: Norm Wakefield
Office Assistants (Part time): Various

Who oversees the financial decisions?

The financial decisions are made by a volunteer board of directors.
Vice-President: Jim Grandholm, Sawyer, MI
John Gross, Davidson, NC

What is the purpose of Elijah Ministries?

Mission Statement: To build up the local church by equipping and training men and their families. Strategy: We seek to accomplish our mission through several avenues of ministry, of which your support allows us to do full-time.

  1. Speaking at state and national homeschool venues. Norm has spoken both nationally and internationally.
  2. Speaking at men’s retreats, marriage conferences, family-life conferences, and father/son events.
  3. Writing and publishing books that give practical application of the gospel on significant issues of life and relationships.
  4. One or two international outreaches annually. Norm has ministered in Canada, Mexico, South Korea, Japan, Russia, Romania, and Tanzania.
  5. Local discipleship preaching/teaching that are messages based on the gospel being applied to life and relationships. These messages are recorded and made available via the website to others.
  6. Monthly email articles entitled, The Chariot of Fire.
  7. Internet based ministry venues.
  8. Personal counseling ministry.
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