“That’s enough!” When do we hear these words? We may when someone thinks they have eaten so much that they can’t take any more food, or I might make that comment to a waitress who’s refilling my drink. Whatever the situation, usually saying, “That’s enough” means one has reached a state of fullness, satisfaction, or contentment, and there’s no need or desire for more. Finding one’s fullness, satisfaction, or contentment in the presence and love of Jesus Christ is foundational to living to love with Him. That’s what I mean when I say, “Jesus’ love is enough.”
Let’s think about God’s love for a moment. God is love. God loves because He is fully satisfied and filled with the love that flows among the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus is satisfied with His Father’s love. He doesn’t need anything from His creatures because He is full (has more than enough love), so He is free to give generously. That’s how love grows and flows in His people. The big foundational truth is this: When Jesus is enough for us (when we are most satisfied in Him), regardless of what happens, our roots are tapped into the only soil that nourishes and sustains His super power of love.
We are called to live to love like Jesus loves. Understanding the connection between experiencing fullness and expressing love is as vital as grasping how feeling empty is related to falling into sin. When we take our eyes off of Jesus’ love, it’s not long before we feel empty and seek temporal things to fill the void. Those things, God calls idols—sinful, inferior substitutes for Him. When we are in such a state of being satisfied by idols, God’s love doesn’t flow in or through us. However, when our love tank is full, we express His love to those God puts in our paths like Jesus did—out of fullness.
How does this satisfying fullness take place? Believers experience and enjoy the fruit of the Holy Spirit’s presence. The Holy Spirit fills believers with awe and wonder at the love of God as they realize what He has done for them. According to His great mercy and grace, He counts them as righteous through faith in Christ (which they don’t deserve), so they have constant acceptance and fellowship. It’s also awesome to know that they are loved by God with the same love as He has for His own Son, Jesus Christ. This same love moves through them. That’s amazing and filling! The apostle Paul prayed for the Ephesian believers to experience this fullness.