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Marriage Retreat

Called to be one

Marriage for God’s Glory: Called to be One

One of the most destructive ideas about marriage is “twoness” thinking. Your marriage is the hub and foundation of the home and the education of your children. Often home educating our children can be a threat to “oneness” thinking in our marriages. Learning the mystery of union with Christ enables us to understand our oneness as mates for God’s glory.

Three “Musts” for Successful Marriages

In Ephesians 5, the Apostle Paul gave three “musts” for husbands and wives who wish to be filled with the Spirit and glorify Christ in their marriage. You’ll learn how to build each other up as you see the wisdom of God’s imperatives for husbands and wives.

Honoring Marriage

How exciting it is to know what God delights in! He has told us in His Word that He will consume by the fire of His delight those who honor marriage and offer to Him a pure, life-long marriage for His glory. Hebrews 13 provides one of the most exalted views of marriage in the entire Scriptures. (This message encourages marital purity and combats the plague of pornography and immorality enslaving men.)

Equipped to Love – Deut. 5:7-9

Everyone knows they ought to love, but not everyone knows how. The greatest hindrance to experiencing and expressing God’s love is the spirit of idolatry. Idolatry is the world’s counterfeit to God’s kind of love. Norm gives four practical insights into building a loving marriage relationship. Marriage relationships may be healed and strengthened as a result of these truths. (Based on his book, Equipped to Love).

Sun. service: Sun. service. Anchored in Christ – Building on the Solid Rock (Heb. 4:14-16)

One of the goals of home-based discipleship is giving your children a firm foundation upon which to live their lives. Anchored in Christ reveals why the gospel is the power of God for salvation-a salvation that’s much more than “going to heaven when you die.” The gospel taught and lived should be a daily subject in your home. You’ll learn the four words that sum up all of life with Jesus Christ, and they are… (Based on his book Anchored in Christ).

Optional Message: Preaching Christ in Your Marriage

According to Ephesians 5, husbands and wives preach the gospel of Jesus Christ everyday in their marriage relationship. What are you preaching about Jesus Christ to your children, church, and community?

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