Preparing Your Teens for Life
Did you know that the Bible has specific instructions for the teen years and preparation for life? Norm gives God’s plan for how to effectively prepare your teens for the responsibilities and callings of life.
Dating? Courtship? Betrothal? KISS-ship? – Part 1
There aren’t too many topics that will gather a crowd and spark a debate like this topic. Is there a formula for finding a partner for life? In this workshop, you’ll discover practical insights from God’s Word about young people building relationships that glorify Jesus Christ. Norm presents what he calls KISS-ship: Keeping-In-Step with the Spirit-ship. It’s a biblical approach to guy/girl relationships you and your teens can embrace with confidence.
Testimonies of KISSship – Part 2
Norm shares stories of his children’s KISSship experiences. Each one is unique and provides insight into the practical challenges of preparing a young adult for marriage and relationships moving toward marriage. You’ll hear songs he wrote for his daughter’s weddings, as well as be encouraged to trust in God’s faithfulness.
Living With an Eternal Perspective: The Key to Wisdom
Are you training your children to live in the here-and-now, according to what they can see and touch, or are you teaching and demonstrating the power and wisdom of living with an eternal perspective? This message will transform the way you live each day and encourage you and your family to experience the presence and power of God needed to walk in His wisdom and blessing.
Run to Win
We all have a race to run and a finish line to cross in educating our children and in life. How are we to run these laps in the race so that we can win the prize at the end? What dangers lie in the way threatening to disqualify us? This message will encourage especially parents and the young adults still at home to run the race with hope.
Sun. service. Anchored in Christ – Building on the Solid Rock
One of the goals of home-based discipleship is giving your children a firm foundation upon which to live their lives. Anchored in Christ reveals why the gospel is the power of God for salvation-a salvation that’s much more than “going to heaven when you die.” The gospel taught and lived should be a daily subject in your home. You’ll learn the four words that sum up all of life with Jesus Christ, and they are… (Based on his book Anchored in Christ).
Optional Sun. service: Equipped to Love – Deut. 5:7-9
Everyone knows they ought to love, but not everyone knows how. The greatest hindrance to experiencing and expressing God’s love is the spirit of idolatry. Idolatry is the world’s counterfeit to God’s kind of love. Norm gives four practical insights into building a loving marriage relationship. Marriage relationships may be healed and strengthened as a result of these truths. (Based on his book, Equipped to Love).